Florida Traveling Tutor

Privacy Policy


We are committed to protecting your privacy. 

Florida Traveling Tutor, LLC

When you visit our site, Florida Traveling Tutor LLC wants to provide the best service possible. Our goal is customer satisfaction so we ask for your personal information in order to better serve you! We only collect what’s necessary.

Our goal is to provide you with a service that matches your needs. We will store the information necessary for this purpose, but it’s important we protect any sensitive data from being accessed or disclosed accidentally in order to maintain its commercial integrity and authenticity as well as prevent unauthorized use by others if they get their hands on these files! 

We don’t share our customers’ personally identifying details publicly unless required by law.

The information on this site is provided for general purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. You may choose to refuse our request if you prefer not to provide us with any personal details, but understand that some services will likely become unavailable as a result of such refusal.

We care about the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information. If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback regarding our website’s data security practices please feel free to contact us. 

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